Find out one of the best ways to go about targeting investors: YouTube ads for ETF promotion done the right way with Zero Company.
Exchange-traded funds or ETFs are continuing to grow in popularity, with the landscape featuring multiple opportunities for success for ETF investors. It’s up to your asset management firm to relay that information to your would-be investors or clients using ETF marketing.
You should specifically inform them about the rapidly growing popularity of fixed income ETFs and what benefits those could bestow upon them using effective ETF digital marketing. According to Bloomberg’s “ETFs in Depth” conference in New York, without effective marketing, ETFs can’t grow and prosper. They need marketing tools like Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and YouTube ads, which is our topic in this blog.
If you can harness the power of paid social media to market ETFs then you can also do the same using YouTube advertising. After all, ETF promotion comes in all shapes and sizes. YouTube Ads are one of the many exciting options for ETF digital marketing, so let’s dive in.
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Getting Started with YouTube Ads
Since ETFs are in a good place now, does that mean your ETF company and its products will sell themselves? No, because you’re still competing with other ETF providers when it comes to getting prospective investors.
The first thing you should keep in mind before diving all the way into a display ads campaign for ETF promotion is that you need to figure out what differentiates your investment management firm from others.
Figure out the answer to your target
clients' question of 'What's in it for me?'
then use that to inform the rest of your
YouTube ad campaign.
In other words, effective digital marketing of your ETF should involve explaining to prospective clients or investors why they should patronize your company for their investment needs, with YouTube Ads services merely being a platform to showcase that point. The answer to this will provide direction and content for your video production.
ETF advertising through YouTube videos, paid media on social networking sites, or any other platform is simply a means to an end. The substance behind it remains the same: defining what your ETF company brings to the table. Higher returns? Lower risk? Convenience? Adaptability? Stability?
Make sure your video content discusses things like your ETF’s historical performance, the underlying index of your ETF, the structure of your ETF, expert advice on when and how to trade your ETF, the total costs involved in buying your ETF, and so on. Based on our experience as a YouTube marketing agency, these are the common things your target ETF investors look for when searching for potential new investments.
Creating a YouTube Ad Campaign for ETF Promotion
Once your video content is ready, it’s time to learn how to set up your ETF video advertising campaign on YouTube. This requires you to first log in or set up your own Google Ads account. You can use a Google workspace email to create that account.
Once your account is created, go to your YouTube homepage to begin setting up your display ads campaign:
- Click the Prompt and Go to the Dashboard: You will see a prompt asking you to make a campaign immediately. Look for the option saying, “Setup without creating a campaign” or “Are you a professional marketer?” Click either of them. You’ll end up on your Google Ads dashboard.
- Create a New YouTube Ad Campaign: Access your dashboard then click the “+New Campaign” button.
- Select a Campaign Type and Goal: Select the campaign type “Video” to create a YouTube campaign and use a goal that makes sense based on the ETF that you’re marketing and whether you’re wanting to maximize reach/views, website traffic, or specific website events/conversions.
You can use an informative ETF commercial to showcase what your ETF can offer or prioritize clicks to an informative landing page on your website. Depending on which goal you select, you’ll be provided specific bidding options later on in the campaign setup.
- Choose the Strategy and Campaign Subtype:Your YouTube ad can be an ad sequence, outstream, or video reach campaign. Assuming you choose the “Video reach campaign”, you’ll also be asked to select the method to reach your goal, which can either be “Efficient Reach” (in-stream, skippable ads, or bumper ads, as well as a mix) or “Non-Skippable In-Stream”.
- Choose a Campaign Name: Enter the campaign name you like. We would recommend something simple for your first campaign.
- Set a Budget and Other Settings: The volume at which your campaign runs will depend on the budget you allocate to it per day. Setting the daily budget allows you to keep your operating costs low on a daily basis so that you don’t run out of video advertising funds without spreading out your ETF campaign.
Next, set the date when your campaign will run, along with the networks, languages, and locations that you prefer. Add in any audiences you’d like to target,
Advertising a New ETF Product Launch with YouTube Ads
Let’s say you’re launching a new ETF product. You’d want to advertise the ETF’s fund size, fund age, performance and tracking difference, trading costs, charges, tax status, and so on using paid media as well as your YouTube videos.
You might also like your website subscribers and regulars to have first dibs on your new product. You can promote your newest ETF directly to them the next time they’re logged into YouTube. This can be done by building remarketing or customer match audiences. You may even do influencer marketing by collaborating with authority figures in the financial world with a lot of subscribers on their YouTube channel.
Relay info about your new ETFs to loyal existing customers using YouTube ads before going after new investors or investors with the same product.
Don’t shy away from making longer YouTube videos even in the era of TikToks, Twitter videos, YouTube shorts, and other short-form videos. Yes, only 1 out of 4 viewers might view your 5-minute video (an eternity for a YouTube ad), but it may only cost $0.06 for that 1 existing/prospective client to view the entire video and become aware of the tremendous value of your new product. By the way, it’s not unusual to pay $0.02-$0.07 per view. After that, it’s time to target your prospective clients.
YouTube Ads are an Underutilized Marketing Channel
YouTube advertising is one of the more cost-effective ways to affordably market your ETF offerings. You’ll have access to YouTube’s 2 billion monthly logged-in users who watch over a billion hours of video everyday. Even getting a small fraction of that is worth your asset management company’s money, time, and attention. Besides, paid YouTube mobile ads are 84 percent more likely to receive viewers’ attention than TV ads.
The best target audiences for your ETF’s YouTube Ads services are built using first-party data, retargeting, and custom intent services. In our experience, we’ve yielded great results for ETF providers by studying which audiences work best in YouTube advertising and optimizing the YouTube videos for these segments. If you’d like expert guidance from Zero Company, just get in touch with us anytime.
Any YouTube advertising agency that’s worth its salt also knows that targeting your own website’s visitors is particularly easy to do (and effective!) using YouTube Ads services. A user who has already visited your investment management company’s site is more likely to be interested in investing in your ETF product than one who has never been to it.
Are You Looking For a Trusted YouTube Advertising Agency For Your ETF Promotion?
You can trust Zero Company as your YouTube Ads agency of choice to get more investors for your ETF and other investment vehicles you offer through YouTube videos. We have more than two decades of experience in managing online advertising campaigns, including YouTube advertising and other digital ad services.
Book a free consultation with our YouTube advertising company and learn how you can strike while the iron is hot and maximize your ETF’s growth!